Bird Damage to Solar Panels

Pigeons or other birds and vermin causing damage to your solar panels? We can help stop solar panel damage!

Pigeon control around solar panels

Solar panel system maintenance is essential to keep your PV array in good working order, and will make it that much less susceptible to bird nests and droppings. Cleaning your panels regularly, repairing cracks or mounting issues, and having them professionally serviced are all essential for long-term functionality.

There are many ways to attempt to pigeon-proof your panels, including bird mesh, roof spikes, ‘plastic predators’ (fake birds of prey that move in the wind) and even garden maintenance and cleaning to make your property a less inviting habitat. But these measures have their limitations. How do we know? Because we are often called in to get rid of those pigeons who simply keep hanging around despite various other “pigeon-proofing” methods having been employed.

While not part of the common resolve, some of our customers have resorted to removing their solar panels out of sheer frustration, only to learn that even that doesn’t solve the problem!

The problem is that pigeons are territorial. Once they have bred or settled somewhere, they treat it as home. The fact that you have ‘renovated’ their home doesn’t mean they will simply fly away to find somewhere else to live. With luck, you may be able to prevent or delay pigeon settlement, but if they start getting comfortable, or if they were already settled before you started fighting back, it may be too late!

So the reality is that you may be at, or may one day reach, the point at which getting rid of your resident population is the best or only option.

The problems pigeons cause with solar panels

Many suburbs in Adelaide have a high rate of pigeon and pest bird issues. Annoyingly, once you remove the pigeons from under the solar panel arrays, new flocks of birds will come and cause more mess to replace the previous tenants.

The reason why this is such a common problem is due to the way solar panels are mounted onto the solar rail: there is a significant gap between the panels and the roof. This creates an ideal space for birds to nest.

Solar panels create inviting home areas for pigeons and other birds. They provide shelter from the elements, while also being high enough to keep the birds safe from most of their natural predators.

Some of the common problems and hazardous issues for your solar investment are:

  • Bird droppings on solar panels as a result of increased nesting will lower your solar panel performance.
  • Bird droppings can erode metal and cable wiring under the panels.
  • There is a potential fire hazard due to reduced airflow from birds nesting and leaf build-up.
  • The associated noise, smell and mess from birds.

Pigeons nesting underneath solar panels are a surprisingly common contributor to efficiency reduction in home solar systems. A bunch of nesting pigeons create a bunch of pigeon poop, which can block sunlight from the cells, reducing efficiency.

However, the real problem is that pigeon waste is acidic and can corrode surfaces. In addition to damaging solar panels or tiles, nesting pigeons can stain the roof, cause leaks, and even attract other pests.

How to stop pigeons nesting under solar panels

Solar panels provide a very desirable environment for pigeons, and over time, pigeons nesting under your solar panels can cause serious damage.

Here are six suggestions for ways to stop pigeons nesting under your panels:

  1. Bird Mesh Screens – can be an effective means of deterrent as long as a colony has not already moved in!
  2. Bird Netting – a cheaper alternative to mesh screens; less durable than mesh but potentially effective at future prevention.
  3. Sheathing – can be used to make it more difficult for pigeons to roost on the roof around the panels; usually made from PVC.
  4. Roof Spikes – potentially an effective pigeon deterrent if installed around the edges of solar panels, making it difficult for pigeons to land; not the most attractive option for your house!
  5. Pigeon Deterrents – there are a number of deterrents available that you could try, such as bird decoys (a large plastic imitation bird of prey that sits on your roof) and electronic pest chasers (emit super-sonic waves that pigeons hate); the success rates with these is definitely mixed!
  6. Keep Your Garden Environment Clean – pigeons like to make their home close to areas where food (scraps, etc.) is plentiful, so ensuring that food is scarce will make pigeons less likely to choose your solar panels as a good roosting spot; make sure your rubbish is tightly sealed in a bin and don’t leave pet food lying around.

Getting rid of pigeons permanently

Why would you need shooters when we’ve just listed several options for preventing pigeons? The problem is that prevention doesn’t always work, especially if pigeons are already established.

When all else fails, call in the professionals!

We are not Pest Controllers; we are Contract Shooters — and the difference is like chalk and cheese.

How do we get rid of pigeons?

  • Our goal is to eradicate the resident population.
  • We aim for redundancy to ensure success.
  • We use air rifles and/or traps.
  • We also employ psychological methods at feed sites.
  • We help advise on methods to stop pigeons from returning.

We provide a complete pigeon removal service to solve your pest problems.

Deterrents such as netting often don’t work. How do we know? Because we often shoot the pigeons sitting on the netting. Netting like all deterrents only moves or delays the problem, it doesn’t solve it. Fake birds of prey freak the pigeons out for a few days but it doesn’t take them long to learn that the plastic predator is not a threat. Roof spikes and other ‘preventatives’ are temporary fixes at best.

Trapping is not a deterrent, trapping is a lethal option (or at least it should be). And yes, trapping does work. But it has to be applied to the right scenario. A domestic home where the pigeons are breeding under the solar panels is not such a scenario.

If you have a problem with pigeons on or under your solar panels, take care of the problem properly and permanently – give us a call or book online!