Job Application

We don’t employ, but use subcontractors. Before you go to the effort of completing the application form please consider the following first.

  • You will need to provide a police clearance certificate.
  • You will need a contract shooters firearms license.
  • You will need to have insurance.
  • You will need a suitable vehicle.
  • You will need specialised equipment, guns, scopes, night vision, etc.

This is a risky business if you are in any way flippant or lack focus. A missed shot can have significant downside, and you as the shooter are responsible. There is a world of animal activists, right to lifer etc. that are not happy about this work. You must be able to maintain a low profile and deal well with these sort of people. This work is not for sport! We don’t shoot for entertainment. It is our income and as such we treat it as a job and expect professionalism at all times.

So if all that doesn’t deter you, expect to wait many many months trying to obtain a contractors firearms license. Then expect to wait months for a suitable rifle and accessories. And if that doesn’t put you off, you should know there is no full time work in this market. Having said that, we look forward to receiving your application and will keep it on file if work become available.

Job Application
Work Desired
Attach Resume

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