Free Pigeon Cull

So you think you have Adelaide’s largest pigeon population!


And you’d like to be rid of them for free!

Well if you have, we’d be interested in testing a range of eradication methods that would help us establish a proven method for dealing with a large entrenched pigeon population. This is a no cost service but is only applicable to a suitable operation.

  • Your operation has to be in our service area
  • Have a population over 500 birds
  • Have a feed/food problem that can’t be managed or eliminated.

This opportunity is limited to one candidate. Once we have secured an arrangement with a suitable candidate the offer will cease. If the opportunity does not establish a proven method, we will contact the next best candidate to see if they might still be interested. We will do that until we have successfully achieve our goal or concluded a method is currently viable.

If you are interested please complete the following application form.

Free Pigeon Cull
Describe what your site/operation does and how many pigeon