Pest Destruction Order

We only provide animal destruction services subject to the completion of the below “destruction order form”! By law we are required to obtain an ‘agency agreement‘ in order to legally undertake any pest destruction services.

Use the form below to initiate a feral animal destruction job. We will respond within 1 business day via email, so please make sure your phone number and email address is correct. If you haven’t heard from us in that time frame please call 0439 832 664 to check your submission went through.

Note* We only shoot or trap pest animals! If you are seeking non destructive methods please try some of the more generic pest control services. By submitting the form below you are agreeing to us destroying the specified pest animals such as pigeons, rabbits, foxes, rats, doves, starlings, sparrows etc.


Destruction Order Form

Pest Destruction Booking Form
Your Details
Your Shoot Details
Booking Arrangements
Agency Agreement

You hereby warrant and agree that by submitting this Pest Destruction Order Form that you have read and are agreeing to be bound by our terms and conditions and acknowledge that this forms the entirety of the contract. Any documents agreed to or signed after the submission (and thereby the execution) of this agreement are for administrative purposes only and do not form part of our contractual obligations as set out in our terms and conditions.