Who we are and what we do

Contract Shooters specialising in pestiferous animals culling/eradication.


Adelaide Pigeon Control

Is a subsidiary of Edge of Tomorrow Pty Ltd which was established in October 2010. Our goal is to specialise and to become the best at our field of expertise. Specialising in Pestiferous Vertebrate Animal Eradication by shooting or trapping. Which means we do not employ Poisons, Nets, Wires, Spikes, Gels, Capture and Release, Birth Controls, Raptors etc. We do one thing really well; eradicate pest animals. We primarily use air rifles to target specific pests. We know when we pull the trigger that the target is the only animal intended to be humanely killed.  Can any other control method claim the same.

Although the major portion of work is directly related to pigeons we also cull other pestiferous pests such as the Corella, Galah, Rats, Cats, Foxes, and others. We focus our work around the urban environments of Adelaide and other townships. We use state of the art weapons and tactical equipment that is second to none. But our real expertise is in the soft skills we bring to the job. While we can’t rattle of the latin name for Feral Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) but we can tell you they feed their young with crop milk, which means they can breed all year round. We like to think we’ve forgotten more than the average person could ever hope to know about pigeons.

We do domestic, commercial and industrial properties around Adelaide and some work in the agricultural field. We are fully licensed and insured contract shooters.  What we are not is Pest Controllers who use poisons or Gutter/Solar Cleaners, or Deterrent Product Sellers and because we can’t be great at every thing. Cleaning the infested site is work that needs to be undertaken after eradication. Any activity during the culling work causes the animals to become nervous, more elusive and therefore difficult to target.